Stay With Confidence
Rest assured during the Covid-19 pandemic our highest priority is ensuring the health and wellbeing of our teams and valued guests. With a pro-active procedural approach to official recommendations, we welcome you with confidence to all of our properties. Following the advice provided to us from the Australian Government Department of Health we continue to update our services for your safety.
We know travel is an important part of doing business and staying connected to friends and family, and we want to reassure you that you can be safe & comfortable at our property. We hope that the information provided here will assist your planning of accommodation services. Thank you for supporting SA owned business.
Bookings Assurance
We understand that many of our guests’ travel plans have been impacted by the travel restrictions and the uncertainty around COVID-19. We are committed to ensuring our guests have flexibility in reserving their accommodation during this time and will assist with cancellations. By booking direct we can manage everything for you; when booking through a third party you must book through them.
Health and Hygiene
Our highest priority is ensuring the health and wellbeing of our current and future guests are being taken care of. Our property maintains the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene. In response to COVID-19, we have taken additional precautions and measures to our health and hygiene protocols for the wellbeing of staff and guests. Breakfast services have been limited, reception contact hours may also be reduced by using phone, SMS and emails for best communication and service.
Our team want to ensure you feel safe and comfortable during your stay.
To help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus please adhere to the following for the protection of staff and fellow guests:
What is ‘isolation’ or ‘self-isolation’?
Isolation or self-isolation is when you remain in your home or accommodation and avoid contact with other people. Most people who need to self-isolate will probably be advised to do so for 14 days.
How do I self-isolate?
During isolation, you must stay at home or in your accommodation for 14 days. Don’t go to public places or places where you might have contact with other people, such as work, school, childcare, university or public gatherings.
Only people who usually live with you should be in the same home. Avoid seeing visitors. If you are in another form of accommodation, such as a hotel, avoid contact with other guests or staff.
When travelling home or to your accommodation to start isolation, use personal transport, such as a car, if you can. This will minimise your exposure to others. If you have returned from overseas, but have no symptoms, then everyone else in your household should practice social distancing.
When in isolation, monitor yourself for symptoms including fever, cough or shortness of breath. Other early symptoms include chills, body aches, sore throat, runny nose and muscle pain.